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Gareis R., Gareis L., 1st edition (English), 2018

14 years after the best selling publication “Happy Projects!” Roland Gareis partnered with his son Lorenz Gareis to publish the demanded successor “PROJECT.PROGRAM.CHANGE”. It is intended as a handbook for „intrapreneurs“ of project-oriented organizations, i.e. for project managers, program managers, change managers and the owners of projects, programs and changes. On the other hand, it is also a textbook for management trainers and consultants, for researchers and teachers in universities and universities of applied sciences as well as for students.

The content allows readers to incorporate subsequent behaviours into their work.

  • Handling the dynamics and complexity in project-oriented organizations adequatly.
  • Practicing a cooperative leadership style in projects.
  • Ensuring Quick Wins in Changes.
  • Realizing the use of synergies in programs.
  • Ensuring early involvement of stakeholders in management.
  • Practicing the consistent application of methods.
  • Ensuring the consistent use of terminology in management.
  • Providing contextual information for the creation of purpose for employees.

Available Titles

German: PROJEKT.PROGRAMM.CHANGE (Manz Verlag, April 2017, 1. Auflage)
English: PROJECT.PROGRAM.CHANGE (CRC Press, September 2018, 1st Edition)


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Processes & Projects

Gareis R., Stummer M., 1st edition (English), 2006

Process-orientation and project-orientation are organizational strategies for companies. By integrating structures and methods of process and project management essential synergies are created.

“Processes & Projects” is the handbook:

  • for managers of process-oriented and project-oriented companies
  • for process owners and members of process management teams
  • for project and program owners and for project and program managers,
  • for employees of process and project management offices and members of portfolio groups
  • for management trainers and consultants

Available Titles

German: Prozesse & Projekte (Manz,  2007, 2. Auflage)
English: Processes & Projects (Manz, 2008, 1st edition)

Project Management & Sustainable Development Principles

Gareis R., Huemann M., Martinuzzi A., 2013

Is Sustainable Development just a PR exercise for organizations trying to demonstrate a commitment to something other than a financial bottom line, or can it bring lasting value? And if it is of value, how can Sustainable Development, which is fundamentally focused on the Long-term, bring value to Projects, which are by definition, temporary?

In 2010, an interdisciplinary team of project management and sustainability practitioners and Researchers from the University of Vienna, supported by Research grant from Project Management Institute, set out to answer these questions. Before their multi-year journey was through, they would find themselves working around the world: debriefing Project Teams at Siemens and OMV Petrom Wind Farms in Brazil and Romania, working alongside executives planning to build a Hospital in Austria and collaborating with Researchers and practitioners at academic conferences in Europe and United States.

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